Latest Google Algorithm Update and Complete History

broad core google algorithm update

In recent days, did you experience about your website unexpected ranking drop or improvement in Google? If yes, the major reason of your website ranking drop or improvement is Broad Core Google Algorithm Update May 2022. Lets have a look over it.

Google has launched the first broad core update of the year, the broad core update May 2022. It was seen on May 25, 2022 by many webmasters and could be roll out in next few weeks.

So far, it has been seen many signs that May 2022 core update started strongly. Over night, several tracking tools indicated the major upset or fluctuations for website ranking.

In order to help you to overcome this update, we are sharing the most important information and quick facts about this update –

✓ Update Name – Broad Core Google May 2022 Update

✓ Launched – May 25, 2022 at around 11:30pm ET

✓ Rollout – It could take around a week or two

✓ Affected – It seems that the poorly content and intent resources have been affected and faced the drop in their search ranking.

✓ Penalty – It does not seem the penalty as the ranking has been seen improved for quality content and intent.

✓ Affected Regions and Languages – Its a global update affecting all regions in all languages.

✓ Impact – There is no clear signal about the real impact of this update.

✓ How to Recover Broad Core Google Algorithm Update May 2022 – If it pinched you by trailing your website ranking in search results, you certainly and urgently need to improve the quality of your webpage content with clear intent.

✓ Refreshes – Google keeps refreshing its algorithm but does not reveal them. There are some chances that it could be unconfirmed Google updates.

✓ Upcoming Updates – As Google regularly keep updating its algorithm, the next updates could be anytime in nearby months like June July August September 2022. Stay tune with us for latest information.

Google Product Reviews Algorithm Update March 2022

google product reviews algorithm update

Google launched the 3rd Product Reviews Algorithm Update in search results, which would build of the product review updates released last year.

The first product review algorithm update was launched in April 2021, which was created to promote high quality content. The, the second product review update was released in December 2021.

This is next update that continues Google’s efforts of promoting high quality product reviews in search results.

Google tells that this update would take few weeks to roll out and would affect the ranking of English language product reviews.

✓ Google Releases New Guidance for Writing Product Reviews

With releasing the Product Reviews Algorithm Update March 2022, Google releases the new new guidance for writing products reviews to make sure that they match the Google’s quality threshold. Google suggests matching the below mentioned criteria when writing product reviews –

✓ Include useful information, like the drawbacks or benefits of an item. Mention some helpful points like how product works or how the product differs from last versions

✓ Should come by people who have really used the product, and show that how is the product physically like or how it should be used

✓ Add unique description instead of adding links, audios, visuals provided by the manufacturer

✓ Include comparable products, or describe that how the product is different from its competitors.

✓ Google’s Guidance For Multiple Products Reviews

Since the launch of the first product reviews algorithm update, it is not always clear whether this applies to single product reviews, or reviews which contain multiple products.

Google clear that this products review update apply to all ranked product reviews.

Are you writing product review containing multiple products with the purpose to suggest an “best” product overall? You are advised to make sure including the following details in your review:

✓ What is different in the product from others

✓ Why the product particularly well suited for its suggested purpose?

✓ Direct evidence to support your claims

✓ Finally, Google ads it is totally fine to add reviews for products individually, even if they have been reviewed in ranked list too.

✓ If you choose to add multiple reviews, ensure that there is enough helpful content for each of them. Don’t repeat the previous mentioned points.

Google Page Experience Algorithm Update February 2022

google page experience algorithm update

Google Page Experience Algorithm Update February 2022 is launched for desktop search results and now it is rolling out slowly. This update could be finished by the end of March.

In the November 2021, the advance notice was given that the page experience update, first applied to mobile search results, would also be applied to desktop by February 2022.

There are few important differences between the mobile page experienced update and desktop page experience update.

Keep reading for more information about the factors included in desktop page experience update.

Google’s Page Experience Update for desktop search is almost similar to the algorithm which is launched for mobile search in 2021. Page Experience on desktop includes almost the same ranking signals that are shown in mobile update.

google page experience update

Mobile friendliness which is ranking signal in mobile search page experience, would not applied to desktop.

What Does This Update Mean For Your Website? Factors that are not considered before would be considered this time by Google. If your website is well optimized for mobile search, it is likely that it will perform better in desktop too. As previously mentioned that mobile friendliness is not a factor for Desktop Page Experience Update, your website could be benefited by a ranking boost in desktop search results even if it is not optimized for mobile search.

If you observe some changes to your desktop search rankings between February 22, 2022 to the end of the march, the reason for it could be the Google Page Experience Update February 2022.

What is Google Algorithm?

what is google algorithm

Are you searching Google Algorithm Update 2022 to keep your website ranking on top of search results? If yes, keep reading for latest updates. Understanding the algorithm utilized by search engines, could be useful. Let’s start at the beginning:

What is Google algorithm? An algorithm is a mathematical method used by a computer to solve a problem or solve a query. Google, launched in September 1998 is the leading search engine. Google algorithm is the complex set of technical combination and permutation to deliver the best information from their database in return to the users query.

Google uses many algorithms, but the very first one ever used is called PageRank which measures the importance of all webpages (PageRank is named after Larry page, the software developer and Google co-founder). PageRank functions by counting the quantity and first-rate of links to certain web pages to decide an estimate of the website’s significance, and thus, its ranking as compared to different websites in the same category.

Google has used the assumption that the most vital websites are most likely to have greater links from other websites, and therefore rates the website with a better ranking on the search engine results webpage (SERP). PageRank happens to be the most widely known algorithm utilized by Google. A whole industry of business services to take advantage of PageRank is now called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

For nearly two decades, Google has been refining their search engine service, becoming more sophisticated, with their massive Google algorithm affecting the way websites are ranked.

What is an Google algorithm update?

Important updates had been rolling out on a regular basis, both named and unnamed. Companies providing search engine optimization services devote their resources to figuring out how each change affects the websites they manage. The stakes are very excessive, mainly for websites engaged in ecommerce. If a website is built and maintains the usage of excellent practices, with a focus on unique content and an easy-to-navigate user experience, the website will rate well. A strong rating becomes a superior page ranking which will provide more search traffic.

Google Algorithm Checklist

google algorithm checklist

Get the ultimate Google algorithm checklist to maintain the website ranking on top of SERPs (search engine results pages). Its well knows that when google change its algorithm, every website ranking goes down. Here you would find some steps that can help to protect and maintain website ranking. Have a look –

✓ Optimize website for mobile

✓ Audit your inbound links

✓ Decrease the website load time to boost user engagement

✓ Don’t use duplicate content

✓ Create quality content

✓ Avoid over optimization

✓ Improve site navigation

You can use above mentioned steps to recover your website ranking.

Google Algorithm Updates History

google algorithm updates history

Google algorithm is a complex system that is used to retrieve data from search index and immediately provide the best results for a search query. Google uses the combination of many algorithms and ranking factors to rank the relevant webpages on its SERPs (search engine results pages).

In its starting years, Google infrequently update its algorithms. Now, Google launches thousands of updates every year.

Many of these updates are so minor that they go unnoticed. BUT, on occasion, Google launches major algorithmic updates which highly affect the website ranking in search results.

Below we mentioned the full list of Google algorithm updates, launches, and refreshes. Have a look –

✓ Updates in Year 2022

✓ May 25, 2022 – Broad Core Google Algorithm Update May 2022

✓ March 23, 2022 – March 2022 Product Algorithm Update

✓ February 22, 2022 – Page Experience Update

✓ Updates in Year 2021

✓ December 1, 2021 – December 2021 Product Review Update

✓ November 17, 2021 – Broad Core Update

✓ November 3, 2021 – Google Spam Update

✓ July 26, 2021 – Google Link Spam Algorithm Update

✓ July 12, 2021 – July 2021 Core Update Completed

✓ July 1, 2021 – July 2021 Core Update

✓ June 28, 2021 – Spam Update Part 2

✓ June 23, 2021 – June 2021 Spam Update

✓ June 15, 2021 – Page Experience Update

✓ June 10, 2021 – Known Victims Protection

✓ June 2, 2021 – Broad Core Algorithm Update

✓ April 8, 2021 – Product Reviews Update

✓ February 10, 2021 – Passage Ranking

✓ Updates in Year 2020

✓ December 3, 2020 – December 2020 Core Update

✓ May 4, 2020 – May 2020 Core Update

✓ January 22, 2020 – Featured Snippet Deduplication

✓ January 13, 2020 – January 2020 Core Update

✓ Updates in Year 2019

✓ December 9, 2019 – BERT (Worldwide)

✓ October 25, 2019 – BERT Update

✓ September 24, 2019 – Broad Core Algorithm Update

✓ June 2, 2019 – June 2019 Core Update

✓ March 12, 2019 – March 2019 Core Update (a.k.a. Florida 2)

✓ February 13, 2019 – Valentine’s Day Update

✓ Updates in Year 2018

✓ October 31, 2018 – Unconfirmed Halloween Update

✓ September 27, 2018 – A “Small” Update

✓ August 1, 2018 – Broad Core Algorithm Update

✓ April 16, 2018 – Broad Core Algorithm Update

✓ March 9, 2018 – Broad Core Algorithm Update

✓ Updates in Year 2017

✓ December 12, 2017 – Maccabees Update

✓ September 8, 2017 – Fall Flux

✓ August 19, 2017 – Quality Update

✓ July 9, 2017 – Quality Update

✓ June 25, 2017 – June 25 Update

✓ May 17, 2017 – Quality Update

✓ March 7, 2017 – Fred

✓ February 7, 2017 – February 7 Update

✓ February 1, 2017 – February 1 Update

✓ January 10, 2017 – Intrusive Interstitials Update

✓ Updates in Year 2016

✓ November 10, 2016 – Unnamed Update

✓ September 23, 2016 – Penguin Update 4.0 & Core Algorithm Integration

✓ June 1, 2016 – Quality Update

✓ May 12, 2016 – Mobile-Friendly Update (#2)

✓ January 11, 2016 – Panda Core Algorithm Incorporation

✓ Updates in Year 2015

✓ October 26, 2015 – RankBrain

✓ July 17, 2015 – Panda Update 4.2 (#28)

✓ May 3, 2015 – Quality Update

✓ April 21, 2015 – Mobile-Friendly Update

✓ Updates in Year 2014

✓ October 17, 2014 – Penguin Update 3.0

✓ September 23, 2014 – Panda Update 4.1 (#27)

✓ July 24, 2014 – Pigeon Update

✓ June 12, 2014 – Payday Loan Update 3.0

✓ May 20, 2014 – Panda Update 4.0 (#26)

✓ May 16, 2014 – Payday Loan Update 2.0

✓ February 6, 2014 – Page Layout Refresh

✓ Updates in Year 2013

✓ October 4, 2013 – Penguin Update 2.1

✓ September 26, 2013 – Hummingbird Update

✓ June 11, 2013 – Payday Loan Update

✓ May 22, 2013 – Penguin Update 2.0

✓ March 14, 2013 – Panda Update (#25)

✓ January 22, 2013 – Panda Update (#24)

✓ Updates in Year 2012

✓ December 21, 2012 – Panda Update (#23)

✓ November 21, 2012 – Panda Update (#22)

✓ November 5, 2012 – Panda Update (#21)

✓ October 9, 2012 – Page Layout Update #2

✓ October 5, 2012 – Penguin Update 1.2

✓ September 28, 2012 – Exact Match Domain Update

✓ September 27, 2012 – Panda Update (#20)

✓ September 18, 2012 – Panda Update 3.9.2 (#19)

✓ August 20, 2012 – Panda Update 3.9.1 (#18)

✓ July 24, 2012 – Panda Update 3.9 (#17)

✓ June 25, 2012 – Panda Update 3.8 (#16)

✓ June 8, 2012 – Panda update 3.7 (#15)

✓ May 26, 2012 – Penguin Update 1.1

✓ April 27, 2012 – Panda Update 3.6 (#14)

✓ April 24, 2012 – Penguin Update

✓ April 19, 2012 – Panda Update 3.5 (#13)

✓ March 23, 2012 – Panda Update 3.4 (#12)

✓ February 27, 2012 – Panda Update 3.3 (#11)

✓ February 27, 2012 – Venice Update

✓ January 19, 2012 – Page Layout Update

✓ January 18, 2012 – Panda Update 3.2 (#10)

✓ Updates in Year 2011

✓ November 18, 2011 – Panda Update 3.1 (#9)

✓ November 3, 2011 – Freshness Update

✓ October 19, 2011 – Panda Update 3.0 (#8)

✓ September 28, 2011 – Panda Update 2.5 (#7)

✓ August 12, 2011 – Panda Update 2.4 (#6)

✓ July 23, 2011 – Panda Update 2.3 (#5)

✓ June 21, 2011 – Panda Update 2.2 (#4)

✓ May 9, 2011 – Panda Update 2.1 (#3)

✓ April 11, 2011 – Panda Update 2.0 (#2)

✓ February 23, 2011 – Panda Update

✓ Updates in Year 2010

✓ April 28, 2010 – MayDay Update

✓ Updates in Year 2009

✓ August 10, 2009 – Caffeine Update

✓ January 18, 2009 – Vince Update

✓ Updates in Year 2005

✓ December 15, 2005 – Big Daddy Update

✓ September 1, 2005 – Jagger Update

✓ Updates in Year 2003

✓ November 16, 2003 – Florida Update