SEO Guide for Beginners

seo guide

SEO guide for beginners to optimize any type of website like local, eCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify, WordPress, etc. Premium SEO guide to optimize website for top ranking results, search traffic, new visitors and more leads. Our premium seo guide will provide you right process to achieve desired results. Have a look –

✓ Website Audit

✓ Keyword Strategy

✓ Competitors Analysis

✓ Onpage Optimization

✓ Offpage Optimization

✓ Website Ranking Maintenance

Hope, the above mentioned steps will help you a lot to get the top ranking result. Learn more about to optimize your website.

Complete SEO Guide to Optimize Any Type of Website

Complete SEO guide to optimize any type of website. You can optimize the website with page title, meta description, heading tag, content, LSI, URL, image, and many more. If you want to read more topics about , click the mentioned link.

On-Page SEO Guide

Premium onpage seo guide to optimize your website onpage correctly for top ranking results in Google. Optimizing the website onpage is not easy as there are many things to consider while optimizing the website. Lets have more information about the essentials of onpage optimization.

✓ Use relevant keywords

✓ Optimize title and meta description

✓ Create informative and user friendly content

✓ Optimize images with target keywords

✓ Optimize page URL

✓ Internal links optimization

Onpage is most important factor affecting website ranking so, if you want to rank higher in search results then you are advised to apply above mentioned steps. More about .

Content Optimization Guide

Premium content optimization guide to optimize the website content properly with latest strategies and technologies. Everyone knows that content is king because its one of the most important things affecting website ranking. So, optimizing the content is the best move in order to improve your website ranking. Have a look at some content optimization tips –

✓ Optimize title, meta description and headings

✓ Write quality content

✓ Optimize images

✓ Post content frequently

✓ Write content for users, not for search engines

Keeping above steps in mind while optimizing your website content, returns top ranking results.


Premium lsi seo guide to optimize your website content with latent semantic indexing / keywords variations. In this guide, we reveal the process of using LSI keywords. Have a look –

✓ Use LSI keywords in title, meta description, heading, content

✓ Concentrate on Readability and Context

✓ Use Closely Related LSI Keywords in Anchor Texts

Only reading the above steps would not help you, move ahead and apply it to your website and see the best results.

Off-Page SEO Guide

Premium offpage seo guide to use offpage seo techniques to your website properly for best ranking results. It’s the fact that your website ranking depends 75% on offpage seo so, offpage optimization is necessary for website ranking promotion. Let’s have a look on offpage optimization tips –

✓ Write quality content for backlinks

✓ Make links on high DA websites

✓ Use social networking websites to make links

✓ Use question and answer websites to create links

✓ Avoid comment links as they are useless

Offpage seo delivers many benefits if it is processed properly, but if not it will hurt website ranking. You can consider above mentioned steps for top ranking results. More about .

Local SEO Guide

Premium local seo guide to optimize small business websites for local search ranking results in Google. Our guide is specially created for those beginners who want to implement local website optimization to get the best results. Have a look –

✓ Local Keyword Research

✓ Website Optimization with Target Keywords

✓ Create your Business Listing on Google My Business

✓ Local Citations

✓ Request Reviews

✓ Intelligent Use of Schema Markup for Particluar Local Results Like Hotel / Restaurant, Shopping Mall, Events, Specific Offer, etc

The above steps are most effective to get your website on top of search results and grow your local business.

GMB (Google My Business) SEO Guide

Premium GMB SEO guide to optimize your GMB (Google My Business) profile for more genuine leads and online business growth. This guide will provide you the effective way to optimize your google my business profile. Have a look –

✓ Verify Your Business

✓ Fill Out Your Profile Properly and Completely

✓ Ensure that your Profile Information is Accurate

✓ Select the Most Relevant Categories

✓ Get More Reviews

✓ Use Schema Markup for Particular Search Results Like Hotel / Restaurant, Events, Shopping Mall, Specific offer, etc

If you want more leads and online business growth then you are highly advised to optimize your Google My Business Profile. You can take the help of our guide for optimizing it.

Schema SEO Guide

Premium schema seo guide to optimize your website with schema (structured data) for top ranking results and better brand visibility. This guide will help you add schema markup to your website for expected results. Have a look –

✓ Open Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper

✓ Select the Type of Data

✓ Paste the URL You Want to Markup

✓ Select Those Elements Which you Want to Mark Up

✓ Add Markup Items

✓ Create the HTML

✓ Add Schema Markup Code to Your Site

If you want better brand visibility and top ranking then you are advised to apply shema on your website. Above we mention the process of applying schema, hope it helps.

Structured Data Guide

Premium structured data guide to optimize your website for better website crawlabilty in Google and top ranking results. Strutured data is a markup that helps to Google understand the website content properly. When the structured data used in proper way then it will deliver top ranking results as it very important for seo. Have a look –

✓ Go to Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper

✓ Choose the type of data

✓ Paste the URL for markup

✓ Select elements which you want to MarkUp

✓ Add markup items

✓ Create the HTML and add it to your site

Above steps will help you to add the structured data to your website.

Geotagging Guide

Premium geotagging guide to optimize the website with geotag for better local specific search results. Geotagging will help you to specify the exact location of website with latitude and longitude. Let’s know the process that how to create geotag for your website –

✓ Open the geotag generator

✓ Enter your location

✓ Copy the code and add it to your website

You can follow above mentioned steps to add the geotag to your website.

eCommerce SEO Guide

Premium eCommerce seo guide to optimize your eCommerce website / online store to generate more online sale. If you need a guide to optimize ecommerce website then you are at the right place. Have a look on our guide –

✓ Ecommerce Website Audit

✓ Keyword Research for Specific Products

✓ Competitors Website Analysis

✓ Create Quality Description for Products

✓ To protect the users sensitive information like payment medium information, the use of SSL certificate is very important

✓ Generate High Quality Backlinks

Ecommerce websites have short content on products pages so, it’s not easy to rank the website on top of search results, that’s why we made a helpful and useful ecommerce website optimization guide. Learn more about .