SEO Glossary: Terms and Definitions

SEO Glossary

Before doing any work or project professionally, its very necessary to know and understand the terminology of technical platform like search engine optimization. You can find here 124+ SEO glossary to know and understand the full vocabulary of search engine optimization.


  • AI – AI is abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence. It refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines (especially computer systems) that are programmed to mimic human actions. It helps various industries to automate many types of activities. It also helps search engine optimization processes.
  • Address
  • AdWords
  • Agent Name
  • Algorithm
  • Alt Text
  • Altavista
  • Anchor Text
  • AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
  • Add Me to Search – Add me to search or add me to Google is an feature offered by Google that allows individuals to create a Google people card visible to anyone searching for their name. If you want to learn how to use feature and create Google people card, click the mentioned link.
  • AI Content Writing Tool – A content writing tool with the power of AI is called AI content writing tool. If you are an SEO looking to generate content with AI or an content writer seeking AI tool for ideas, you can find these tools in our list of .


  • BackLink – Backlink is a link coming from other website to an website. High DA and theme links help to improve website ranking in search engines. The link developers keep searching for their link building campaign.
  • Blog submission – Blog submission is off-page SEO technique in which you submit blogs in paid or to get high quality contextual backlinks and referral traffic.
  • Blind Traffic
  • Business directory – A business directory is a website listing information on various types of businesses under different categories. If you want to see examples of bussines directories, visit our blog post on .


  • Classified Ad – It comes under off-page SEO citation, boosts website visibility and search ranking.
  • Classified Ad Posting Sites – Sites that allow users to post the advertisements for free are called .
  • Click Through Rate
  • Content Readability – Content readability is a measure of how easy a piece of content is to read. Easy to understand, clear and concise texts are more readable. If you want to improve your website content readability, you can learn here.
  • Click Tracking
  • Cloaking
  • Clustering
  • Comment Tag
  • Counter
  • CPA
  • CPC
  • CPM
  • Crawl
  • Crawler
  • Cross Linking
  • CSS


  • De-listing
  • Dead Link
  • Description
  • Directory
  • DMOZ
  • Doorway Page
  • Dynamic Content
  • Dynamic Page



  • FFA
  • Filter Word
  • Flash Page
  • Frames


  • Google Analytics – Google analytics is a tool that collects data from websites and apps and offers various analytical tools and statisitics used. If you are new to Google analytics or this tool looks confusing to you, you can learn here.
  • Google Search Console – Google search console is a free tool that help users monitor the Google search presence of their website. If you’ve never used Google search console before, you can learn here.
  • Gateway Page
  • Google
  • Google Everflux
  • GoogleBot
  • Guest blog – Guest blog is an blog published on your website written by someone from outside of your company. You can find here to start posting.


  • Header / Headings
  • Header Tag
  • Hidden Text
  • Hit
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) – Year and Version
  • 1989 – Tim Berners-Lee invented www
  • 1991 – Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML
  • 1993 – Dave Raggett drafted HTML+
  • 1995 – HTML Working Group defined HTML 2.0
  • 1997 – W3C Recommendation: HTML 3.2
  • 1999 – W3C Recommendation: HTML 4.01
  • 2000 – W3C Recommendation: XHTML 1.0
  • 2008 – WHATWG HTML5 First Public Draft
  • 2012 – WHATWG HTML5 Living Standard
  • 2014 – W3C Recommendation: HTML5
  • 2016 November – W3C Candidate Recommendation: HTML 5.1


  • Inbound Link
  • Inktomi
  • IP Address
  • IP Spoofing


  • JavaScript


  • Keyword
  • Keyword Density
  • Keyword Research – Keyword Research is all about finding the right keywords to focus and optimize on your website. can be used to conduct this crucial step.
  • Keyword Domain Name
  • Keyword Phrase
  • Keyword Stuffing / Spamming


  • Link Popularity
  • – Local SEO is the another type of search engine optimization that focuses on improving search visibility for local businesses. If you want to do it yourself, you can learn here.
  • Local citation – Local citation is referred to any mention of your business details like name, address, and phone number (NAP). If you want to learn building local citations, you can find here.
  • Link Building – is the process of building links of your website over other websites. This process is mainly used to improve the search rankings.
  • Link Building Tools – These tools are used to spy competitor’s backlinks in order to build backlinks. There are many that are used by SEO professionals and link builders.
  • Link Farming
  • Log Files
  • Looksmart


  • Meta Search
  • Meta Tags
  • Mirror Sites
  • Misspellings
  • Magento – Magento is one of the most popular open source ecommerce platform to design an flexible online store. helps to promote your online store on search engines for more sale.


  • is the type of search engine optimization that is processed over website pages for top ranking.
  • On-Page SEO Checklist – A SEO checklist having the collection of steps and techniques related to On-Page SEO, is called .
  • is the type of search engine optimization that is processed outside of your website to improve its search ranking.
  • Online Store – Online store is a website or app used to sell products or services digitally. If you want your online store rank on Google, you can implement .
  • OpenCart – OpenCart is an open source online store management system that you can use to create your eCommerce webite for free. You can use to start promoting your online store in search results.
  • Open Directory Project
  • Optimization
  • Overture


  • Page Popularity
  • Page View
  • Page Index – Page index is a large database of Google containing pages with text, images, and video files. Google uses this index to provide most accurate search results to searchers/users. If you are having trouble indexing your website in Google, you can know here.
  • PageRank
  • PFI
  • Placement
  • PING – Packet Internet Groper
  • Ping Submission Site – Ping submersion site allow users to notify search engines about changes to website. You can find the here to start using them for better website indexing.
  • Popup
  • Portal
  • Positioning
  • PPC Engine
  • Press release – Press release is an statement delivered to members of news media with the purpose to provide information. generally provide both free and paid solutions to post press releases.


  • Ranking
  • Reciprocal Link
  • Referrer
  • Registration
  • Robot
  • Robots.txt
  • ROI


  • Search Engine
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website to improve its search ranking. If you want to learn SEO, you can view our blog on .
  • SEO Glossary – is the collection of terms and definitions related to SEO (search engine optimization).
  • SEO Audit – SEO audit is the process of analyzing and evaluating your website to understand how well your website is optimized from an SEO point of view. are often used to conduct SEO audit without paying extra.
  • Search Query
  • Search Term
  • SEM
  • SERP
  • SEO forum – SEO forum is an platform allowing users to ask questions and answer the posted questions. Here are the you can join.
  • Site Map
  • Site Submission
  • Slurp
  • Spamdexing
  • Spamming
  • Spider
  • Spidered
  • Splash Page
  • Spoofing
  • Stemming
  • Stop Word
  • Submission Service
  • is the experienced search engine optimization expert who provide effective SEO recommendations and suggestions.
  • Shopify – Shopify is the ultimate ecommerce platform to build an online store and start, manage, and grow a business. To increase online product sale, is the best way for small businesses.
  • Social Media sites – Social media refers to the interactions between people in which they can create, share, and/or exchange information in virtual networks/communities. Sites providing social networking service are commonly referred as .
  • SMO (social media optimization) – is the digital marketing strategy to improve social media presence of an business.
  • Schema Markup – Schema markup, also referred to as structured data, is a code that helps search engines better understand content on your website. If you want to implement it on your website for SEO purposes, we would suggest you to visit our blog covering each detail on how to use .
  • Structured Data – Schema markup, also referred to as , is a code that helps search engines better understand content on your website. If you want to implement it on your website for SEO purposes, we would suggest you to visit our blog covering each detail on how to use .
  • SEO FAQ – Questions about search engine optimization that people ask frequently are called SEO FAQs. You can read the top here.


  • Title
  • Traffic


  • Unique Visitor
  • URL


  • Website – Website is the collection of web pages and content that share a unique domain name. Choosing is the first step to take your business online.
  • Website Traffic – Website traffic is a term referring to the volume of users visiting a website. In simple words, a group of website visitors is mostly referred to as website traffic. If you want to , you can learn it by clicking the mentioned link of an guide.
  • Website Speed Optimization – It is the process of optimizing your website to load faster and quicker. You can use to reduce your website load time.
  • WooCommerce – WooCommerce is the WordPress ecommerce plugin used to create an flexible online store for free. To improve your online store presence in search engines, is the effective way.
  • WordPress SEO Plugins – WordPress plugins that are used to process search engine optimization tasks are called .
  • Website Builder – Website builder is a tool/website/platform that allows you to create a website quickly with no expertise or knowledge about coding. You can view the here to understand how a website builder looks like.


  • XML


  • Yahoo!